About Pictures For Smarties {2024}

Back in 2009, I became completely besotted with basic disposable camera photography. I would eventually incorporate my nascent/rudimentary photography with regular posts on my now archival blog Cedar's Mountain. However, it got to the point where I felt that in order to do my rudimentary photography justice, as at this point I was averaging one disposable camera per month, I needed to create a separate picture blog.

In mid-May 2010, I did just that. Originally called Shooting Suburbia, it basically featured pics from my travels throughout Newington and eventually expanded to pics taken during my in-state traveling and my interstate traveling. From 2010 thru late 2016, it had a very good run where it became a great journal of my personal life travels.

But, as they say, all good things eventually do come to an end. By 2016, I was becoming less enamored with point/shoot photography {which was about the same time that disposable cameras were being phased out and better smartphones phased in} and so with great reluctance, this wonderful blog, now re-titled as Pictures For Smarties, gracefully exited into retirement mode.

In 2018, I was finally pulled kicking and screaming into the 20th century when I was forced to purchase my first smartphone. In short, I discovered the world of podcasts {music & sports too}, which in turn offered me a sensible solution to my distinct lack of exercise.

For the past six years, in addition to my daily walking exercise, I've been judiciously taking photos as well. Mid-September 2024, I decided to bring this blog out of retirement and start posting some of my pics taken since 2018. I sincerely hope you enjoy this little slice of Connecticut as much as I did while creating some intriguing pictorial content.