Sunday, October 20, 2024

It's...Domesticated Wildlife!

I enjoy taking pictures of all kinds of domesticated animals: dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, and birds just to name a few, over the past decade and a half. I find them to be the easiest subjects to photograph, so there's no possible way that you can mess it up. I would like to share a few of my favorite pics with everyone.

circa 2010's

1} This is my very lovely and late cat Holly, who we unfortunately had to put down during the beginning of that nasty old panicky pandemic. I don't quite remember the specific year that I had taken this pic, other than it was during the 2010s and I had posted it previously on this particular blog. This particular pic is the first thing that you see when you visit my main blog I Have Stories!, as I wanted to created a lasting tribute to my favorite pet. Additionally, the spot you see her standing is the spot that her lovely wooden urn now occupies as the window sill was her favorite spot.

circa 2010s

2} This is one of the better group photos of our two Chihuahuas Oreo and Tina, along with the late Lucky, a mixed breed of something and something. While the former are still going somewhat strong in their mid-teens, Lucky sadly passed away a couple of years ago from a combo of old age and unknown medical issues. Let me tell you, this dog was absolutely fearless. For whatever reason known to him, he couldn't walk down the three steps from the deck to the ground, he had to absolutely launch himself from deck to the ground, often partially face-planting the concrete tiles. No matter how many times we would (gently) chastise him, it would go in one ear straight out the other.


3} Our lovely chihuahuas make an appearance once again, this time in their Halloween sweaters/costume, with Oreo in his lovely Halloween sweater and Tina masquerading as a very lovely bumblebee. Sometimes when you start aging gracefully, you're not as grumpy when presented with a sweater or a costume for your person.


4} Once again our lovely chihuahuas make an appearance, this time while they're frolicking around the backyard, which was cleared out of any other "interlopers" by Oreo, who simply couldn't stand the thought of any birds, rabbits or squirrels having the temerity to actually visit the backyard to like, you know, chill out. Now in his ye olden age, he's content to bark at the neighbor's dog, who is about 10x his size through the fence. This dog has absolutely no fear whatsoever.

circa 2020s

5} I like to finish up this brief trip down domesticated wildlife memory lane with a pic of my daughter's ferret Bubbles. She's been featured periodically in a few my now dormant blog, but while she was alive, she was a blast to have around the house. The photo above was one of the rare times she was brought outside, because we really didn't have properly sized collar or harness to walk her in. She was quite the curious little animal and she will be sadly missed.

(c) 2024 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved