Sunday, September 29, 2024

It's...Halloweenie Time!

I've taken some very unusual holiday pictures over the years during my various strolls around my immediate neighborhood, as well as my own house. Today's post features some of the more abnormal pics that had struck my fancy during my leisurely walks around this wonderful town.


1} People put up very strange decorations in the month leading up to Halloween. For example, this lovely spider couldn't decide if they were climbing up to the waterspout, or down to the ground to chill out on the brownish-green grass with his pumpkin friend.


2} My muse decided that she had better things to do than to watch over me 24/7/365, because you know, the Hawaiian surf is at an all time high and sun is just sending out some sensuous vibes....anyways, this is my new watch dog...I mean, my new watch skeleton, Bonesy McBones. He ain't got a brain, but he's looking to get back into politics, soo...


3} Saw this dude waiting for either Casey Jones's locomotive or an auto traveling down the road to nowhere. In any event, he was basically chillin' to the sunny vibes of the neighborhood, where maybe, just maybe, this particular parade will entertain him in the meanwhile.


4} Not too sure what the main idea was in giving this gnarly looking tree the odd Pickachu face, but here we are. To be honest, I don't really remember what neighborhood I was trudging through when his gnarliness got hold of my short attention span, so there you go. Now that I think about it, the face does remind me of SpongeBob in an odd way. Kind of. A little. Maybe.


5} "Come closer my little pretty and let me tell you a story about someone who actually said 'okay' when the operator said, 'I want to talk to you about extending your car warranty.' His empty wallet was never the same. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"


6} When a very large pumpkinhead skeleton says, 'respect my authority!', you can bet your sweet bippy that I will respect his authority. Certainly more than Kyle's or Chief Wiggins's authority.


7} I'm including this picture at the end as another example of the Completion Backward Principle, in that retailers want to get a super early jump on the next holiday. As you can tell by the date of the picture, my local Dollar Tree store had Halloweenie schtuff out and on display more than three months prior to the official holiday. Trust me when I say that I have more photographic examples of starting the race three steps from the finish line when it comes to holidays.

I certainly hope that this small traipse through the holiday of pre All Saints Day gave you a small chuckle or two. Have a fantastic week and remember, the world indeed always revolves around you.

(c) 2024 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved

Sunday, September 8, 2024

We Have Wildlife On Cedar Mountain

Hello to one and all, and after an eight year long hiatus/vacation, we are back to post some fresh content for you to peruse and enjoy. A brief backstory before we get into the meat of the post: since my last post in 2016, I spent those years upping my exercise routine by walking at least 2 3/4 miles per day {minimum 6k steps} per day. I've also taken quite a few pics, just not at the rate during 2010-16. I hope you enjoy the latest version of my picture blog.

We have an abundance of wildlife on our little suburban mountain: some fox, some wild rabbit and some deer, predominately female, with the occasional sighting of a buck and fawns. Today's post will concentrate on our resident deer population.

August 2023 {1}

1} This pic was the best of a mediocre bunch showing a small herd (about 6) of deer grazing in someone's backyard pool area. They were probably making their way from the stream that ran behind the house back to the source up on the mountain top and decided to stop for a snack. I took this pic from the street, as the deer were on private property and I was at maximum zoom.

July 2024 {2}

2} For roughly five hours, we had a fawn/doe just chilling in the shade of our backyard fence, as it was incredibly hot that day (about mid 90's and humid). The deer have, sadly enough, easy access to our backyard, as the fence surrounding our yard is about three feet in height. By the time I had come back home from my walk, the fawn had finished its R&R and returned back to the mountain.

July 2024 {3}

3} This was taken a few days earlier than the previous one, and apparently this doe had decided that I was a safe human, so she allowed me to take three photos from about twenty feet away in the street. In the other two, she is nibbling on the tree ivy before eventually strolling across the street back into the mountain.

I should make everyone aware that Cedar Mountain is basically on the other side of the street that my house borders on. It's a very popular hiking/walking area, although the storms from 2024 have done a bit of interior trail damage.

July 2024 {4}

4} This particular shot was the fawn being kind enough to allow me to take a few photos and a video after I had come to within fifteen feet of walking directly into them. I was finishing one of my walks down the side street and really groovin' to the music on my headphones. Something made me look up and viola!, we were eye to eye, so to speak. Again, she was crossing the street at the bridge to the mountain. 

Overall I have managed to come within fifteen-to-twenty feet of deer twice during my walks, purely by accident. I get so engrossed in what I'm listening to that I end up seeing without really seeing what's ahead of me.

June 2024 {5}

5} For our last pic, we have this nifty one taken, as you can see, from the inside of my house. We have our bird feeder perfectly located so that the birds, squirrels and chipmunks have easy access to the birdseed. This is about as close I've gotten to seeing a doe since taking a series of pics of a doe grazing outside a group home about year ago .

I sincerely hope you enjoyed this brief sampling of the deer population that makes itself known in our neighborhoods from time to time. Have a fantastic and relaxing week.

(c) 2024 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


I thought I took a boatload of pics on my last bike ride, but sadly, all I took was the follow three plus the video that you saw on Father Nature's Corner.

So, here are those three pics:

 And, here are two other miscellaneous flower oriented pics and one ferret pic for you peruse and not really drool over:

(c) 2016 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved.